Mitch Chase – Personal Trainer and Diet Coach

The 3 devastating nutrition realities we all wish were not true!

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First, lets get three things straight…

The 3 devastating nutrition realities we all wish were not true!

Reality #1 You Can’t Out Train A Bad Diet

You could run two marathons a day and still get fat. Even if you only ate chicken, broccoli and brown rice six-times a day, you can still get fat. How? Eat too much of it. The excess has to get stored somewhere and unfortunately that’s known as your belly-bulge. It doesn’t matter how many hours you workout, what supplements you take or how “healthy” you eat if you consume too much.

Reality #2 Diet Is 90% of the Equation

It only takes about 3-minutes to consume a delicious muffin and a glass of juice or your favorite mocha. 3-minutes later you’ve consumed almost 1000 calories, 50 grams of fat and 120 grams of sugar. Bam! So much for that flat stomach… You just cancelled out 2 days worth of working out! That’s called one step forward, two steps back. You’d have to sprint up some stairs for an hour just to erase the damage you inflicted on your belly.

So it only takes 3-minutes of mouth-watering delight to lose your six-pack and it takes 60-minutes of heart-pounding workouts to get your six-pack. Now you see why all the cover-models say, “It’s all diet, diet, diet…”

Reality #3 “Eating healthy” Without a Plan Is Guaranteed Failure

“But, I eat healthy.” “I don’t eat anything bad, and I still can’t lose weight.” These are phrases I hear often. “Eating healthy” is a relative phrase. You may be eating healthy proteins and vegetables and avoiding the “bad carbs” and still be crippling your success.

Why? How do you know if you’ve eaten too much or too little? What do you modify at the end of the week when you jump on the scale and nothing’s changed? Eat “healthier?” How can you manage your nutrition program if you’re just guessing and hoping what you’re doing is working.

Your meal plan must be matched to your individual body type and chemistry. It must take into account how fast or slow your metabolism is running, and the timing of your meals and your food combinations must also be matched to your daily activity level, your insulin sensitivity, your lifestyle, etc.